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2014年发表SCI 一览表 (* 通讯作者)

1、RuoLanXiang, LiLing Wu, GuangYan Yu* et al.( 作者:向若兰、吴立玲*、俞光岩*)(IF:8.432)

Claudin-4 is required for AMPK-modulated paracellular permeability in submandibular gland cells

Journal of Molecular Cell Biology  2014 Dec;6(6):486-97

2、Nan Jiang  , Yanheng Zhou *, Jeremy J. Mao* et al.(作者:蒋楠、周彦恒*、Jeremy J. Mao*)(IF:8.312)

Postnatal epithelium and mesenchyme stem/progenitor cells in bioengineered amelogenesis and dentinogenesis

Biomaterials  2014 Feb;35(7):2172-80

3、YunSong Liu , MengEn Ou  , YongSheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:刘云松、欧蒙恩、周永胜*)(IF:8.312)

The effect of simvastatin on chemotactic capability of SDF-1 alpha and the promotion of bone regeneration

Biomaterials  2014 May;35(15):4489-98

4、Wenshu Ge , Yunsong Liu  Yongsheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:葛雯姝、刘云松、周永胜*)(IF:8.312)

The epigenetic promotion of osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells by the genetic and chemical blockade of histone demethylase LSD1

Biomaterials  2014 Jul;35(23):6015-25

5、Yan Liu ,Yanheng Zhou * et al.( 作者:刘燕、周彦恒*)(IF:7.578)

Effect of Nanostructure of Mineralized Collagen Scaffolds on Their Physical Properties and Osteogenic Potential

Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2014 Jun;10(6):1049-60

6、Jingyi Song ,Nie Qiong * et al.( 作者:宋静怡、聂琼*)(IF:6.739)

Facilely and efficiently tuning metal-organic nanostructures of a charge-transfer complex based on a water controlled nanoreaction and the chemistry of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ)

Nanoscale  2014 Mar 7;6(5):2573-6

7、Sainan Wang , Yanmei Dong * et al.( 作者:王赛楠、董艳梅*)(IF:5.684)

Odontogenic differentiation and dentin formation of dental pulp cells under nanobioactive glass induction

Acta Biomaterialia  2014 Jun;10(6):2792-803

8、Shang Xie,   Zhi-Gang Cai1 * et al.( 作者:谢尚、蔡志刚*)(IF:5.078)

Relevance of LIG4 gene polymorphisms with cancer susceptibility: evidence from a meta-analysis

Scientific reports 2014 Oct 15;4:6630

9、Hui Zheng,   Feng Chen*、Jiuxiang Lin * et al.( 作者:郑晖、陈峰*、林久祥*)(IF:5.078)

Salivary biomarkers indicate obstructive sleep apnea patients with cardiovascular diseases

Scientific reports 2014 Nov 14;4:7046

10、Linfei Jia,   Quangyan Yu*、Jing Cheng* et al.( 作者:贾凌飞、俞光岩*、Jing Cheng*)(IF:5.007)

Expression, regulation and roles of miR-26a and MEG3 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma

International journal of cancer 2014 Nov 15;135(10):2282-93

11、Ming Gu, Yunsong Liu、Yongsheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:谷明、刘云松、周永胜*)(IF:4.254)

Is graphene a promising nano-material for promoting surface modification of implants or scaffold materials in bone tissue engineering?

TISSUE ENGINEERING  2014 Oct;20(5):477-91

12、Xiao Zhang、Yongsheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:张晓、周永胜*)(IF:4.254)

The Roles of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins and Their Signaling in the Osteogenesis of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

TISSUE ENGINEERING  2014 Feb;20(1):84-92

13、Jianrui Cai、Xiaofeng Dan、Zhigang Cai* et al.( 作者:蔡建蕊、单小峰、蔡志刚*)(IF:4.212)

A new treatment for epiphora secondary to submandibular gland transplantation: transcutaneous atropine gel

Ocular Surface  2014 Jul;12(3):221-6

14、Jiazeng Su、Quangyan Yu* et al.( 作者:苏家增、俞光岩*)(IF:4.212)

Sialography of the transplanted submandibular gland

Ocular Surface  2014 Jul;12(3):215-20

15、Fangfang Li、 Yun Ding* Qiufei Xie* et al. ( 作者:李芳芳、丁云* 、谢秋菲*)(IF:4.151)

A new injectable in situ forming hydroxyapatite and thermosensitive chitosan gel promoted by Na?CO?

Soft Matter 2014 Apr 7;10(13):2292-303

16、H. Yu 、 Y. Huo* 、Q.X. Luan* et al. ( 作者:于寰、Y. Huo* 、栾庆先*)(IF:4.144)

Association of Carotid Intima-media Thickness and Atherosclerotic Plaque with Periodontal Status

Journal of dental research 2014 Jun 16;93(8):744-751

17、X.D. Wang、 Y.H. Zhou* 、 Y.H. Gan* et al. ( 作者:王雪东、崔圣洁、周彦恒* 、甘业华*)(IF:4.144)

Deterioration of Mechanical Properties of Discs in Chronically Inflamed TMJ

Journal of dental research 2014 Nov;93(11):1170-6

18、Y. Y.  Hong 、F. Chen* 、 T. J. Li*  et al. ( 作者:洪瑛瑛、陈峰* 、李铁军*)(IF:4.144)

Fibroblasts regulate variable aggressiveness of syndromic keratocystic and non-syndromic odontogenic tumors

Journal of dental research 2014 Sep;93(9):904-10

19、H. Cao、 Y. Zhou* et al. ( 作者:曹海峰、周彦恒*)(IF:4.144)

Force-induced Adrb2 in Periodontal Ligament Cells Promotes Tooth Movement

Journal of dental research 2014 Nov; 93(11): 1163-9

20、C. Ding 、 L.L. Wu* 、 G.Y. Yu*  et al. ( 作者:丁冲、L.L. Wu* 、俞光岩*)(IF:4.144)

Hypersensitive mAChRs are involved in the epiphora of transplanted glands

Journal of dental research 2014 Mar;93(3):306-12

21、J. Zhang 、 J. Lin* 、 F.Chen*  et al. ( 作者:张杰铌、林久祥* 、陈峰*)(IF:4.144)

Proteomic Analysis of RBP4/Vitamin A in Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate

Journal of dental research 2014 Apr 2;93(6):547-552

22、XiaoXing Kou 、 YanHeng Zhou* 、 YeHua Gan*  et al. ( 作者:寇晓星、周彦恒* 、甘业华*)(IF:4.049)

Estradiol-potentiated cadherin-11 in synovial membrane involves in temporomandibular joint inflammation in rats

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  2014 Sep;143:444-50

23、DianCan Wang 、 ChuanBin Guo*  et al. ( 作者:王佃灿、郭传瑸* )(IF:4.044)

Psychological morbidity and health-related quality of life in patients with differing awareness of cancer diagnosis: a cross-sectional study

Psycho-Oncology  2014 Sep;23(9):975-80

24、Yi Deng 、 Jing Fang*、Shicheng Wei*  et al. ( 作者:邓怡、方竞*、魏世成* )(IF:3.916)

Peptide-decorated polyvinyl alcohol/hyaluronan nanofibers for human induced pluripotent stem cell culture

Carbohydrate Polymers  2014 Jan;101(30):36-39

25、Shu He 、 Yi Deng*、Shicheng Wei*  et al. ( 作者:何舒、邓怡*、魏世成* )(IF:3.856)

Antibiotic-decorated titanium with enhanced antibacterial activity through adhesive polydopamine for dental/bone implant

Journal of the Royal Society Interface  2014 Mar 19;11(95):20140169

26、Jing Qiao 、 Changzhou Sun*  et al. ( 作者:乔静、孙昌洲* )(IF:3.61)

The accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography in assessing maxillary molar furcation involvement

Journal of clinical periodontology  2014 Mar;41(3):269-74

27、Wei Zou、 JiaQi Wu 、 JiuHui Jiang*、 TianMin Xu*、 CuiYing Li*  et al. ( 作者:邹薇、吴佳琪、江久汇*、许天民* 、李翠英*)(IF:3.534)

Archform Comparisons between Skeletal Class II and III Malocclusions

PLoS One 2014 Jun 27;9(6):e100655

28、Yunsong Liu、 Xiao Zhang、 Yongsheng Zhou*  et al. ( 作者:刘云松、张晓、周永胜*)(IF:3.534)

Bi-functionalization of a calcium phosphate-coated titanium surface with slow-release simvastatin and metronidazole to provide antibacterial activities and pro-osteodifferentiation capabilities

PLoS One 2014 May 20;9(5):e97741

29、Na An、 Rausch Fan*  et al. ( 作者:安娜、Rausch Fan*)(IF:3.534)

Effect of nicotine and porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide on endothelial cells in vitro

PLoS One 2014 May 12;9(5):e96942

30、Hong Su、 TianMin Xu*  et al. ( 作者:苏红、许天民*)(IF:3.534)

Factors predisposing to maxillary anchorage loss: a retrospective study of 1403 cases

PLoS One 2014 Oct 9;9(10):e109561

31、Yifei Zhang、 Feng Chen*  et al. ( 作者:张翼飞、陈峰*)(IF:3.534)

Functional Diversity of the Microbial Community in Healthy Subjects and Periodontitis Patients Based on Sole Carbon Source Utilization

PLoS One 2014 Mar 14;9(3):e91977

32、Yifei Zhang、Yingyi Liu、 Feng Chen*  et al. ( 作者:张翼飞、刘颖熠、陈峰*)(IF:3.534)

Identification of Lactobacillus from the Saliva of Adult Patients with Caries Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

PLoS One 2014 Aug 28;9(8):e106185

33、Lingfei Jia、 Yehua Gan*、Guangyan Yu*  et al. ( 作者:贾凌飞、甘业华*、俞光岩*)(IF:3.534)

miR-34a Inhibits Migration and Invasion of Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma via Targeting MMP9 and MMP14

PLoS One 2014 Sep 30;9(9):e108435

34、He Xu、 Man Qin*、 Feng Chen*  et al. ( 作者:徐赫、秦满*、陈峰*)(IF:3.534)

Plaque bacterial microbiome diversity in children younger than 30 months with or without caries prior to eruption of second primary molars

PLoS One 2014 Feb 28;9(2):e89269

35、Ping Zhou、 Yalin Lyu*、 Shicheng Wei*  et al. ( 作者:周平、Yalin Lyu*、魏世成*)(IF:3.534)

Rapidly-Deposited Polydopamine Coating via High Temperature and Vigorous Stirring: Formation, Characterization and Biofunctional Evaluation

PLoS One 2014 Nov 21;9(11):e113087

36、XiYuan Ge、 LinQian Yang、 ShengLin Li*  et al. ( 作者:葛兮源、杨淋茜、李盛林*)(IF:3.534)

Reactive Oxygen Species and Autophagy Associated Apoptosis and Limitation of Clonogenic Survival Induced by Zoledronic Acid in Salivary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Cell Line SACC-83

PLoS One 2014 Jun 25;9(6):e101207

37、Yunfei Zheng、 Jianxia Hou、 Huanxin Meng*  et al. ( 作者:郑云飞、侯建霞、孟焕新*)(IF:3.534)

The pro-apoptotic and pro-inflammatory effects of calprotectin on human periodontal ligament cells

PLoS One 2014 Oct 22;9(10):e110421

38、SingWai Wong、 HaoChen Liu、 YiXiang Wang*  et al. ( 作者:王升威、刘浩辰、 王衣祥*)(IF:3.497)

A novel non-stop mutation in MSX1 causing autosomal dominant non-syndromic oligodontia

Mutagenesis  2014 Sep;29(5):319-23

39、Wei Li 、 Huanxin Meng*  et al. ( 作者:李玮、 孟焕新*)(IF:3.333)

Leptin and its receptor expression in dental and periodontal tissues of primates

CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH   2014 Jan;355(1):181-8

40、Zhien Feng、 Chuan Bin Guo*  et al. ( 作者:冯芝恩、 郭传瑸*)(IF:3.301)

The prognostic value of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Histopathology  2014 Feb;64(3):348-55

41、Guangju Yang、 QiuFei Xie*  et al. ( 作者:杨广聚、 谢秋菲*)(IF:3.281)

Effect of negative emotions evoked by light, noise and taste on trigeminal thermal sensitivity

Journal of Headache and Pain  2014 Nov 7;15:71

42、Bo Lin、 Zhigang Cai*  et al. ( 作者:林博、 蔡志刚*)(IF:3.227)

Use of sensory and motor action potentials to identify the position oftrigeminal nerve divisions for radiofrequency thermocoagulatio

Journal of neurosurgery  2014 Dec;121(6):1497-1503

43、Zhanglei*  et al. ( 作者:张磊、 张磊*)(IF:3.123)

A new classification of peri-implant bone morphology: a radiographic study of patients with lower implant-supported mandibular overdentures

Clinical oral implants research 2014 Aug;25(8):905-9

44、YingJie Ji、 ZhiHui Tang*  et al. ( 作者:纪颖婕、 唐志辉*)(IF:3.123)

Effect of glycine powder air-polishing as an adjunct in the treatment of peri-implant mucositis: a pilot clinical trial

Clinical oral implants research 2014 Jun;25(6):683-9

45、Chunna Qu、 Jie Han*  et al. ( 作者:曲春娜、 韩劼*)(IF:3.123)

Implant periapical lesion - a review and a case report with histological evaluation

Clinical oral implants research 2014 Sep;25(9):1099-104

46、Lingfei Jia、Yunfei Zheng、Guangyan Yu*  et al. ( 作者:贾凌飞、  郑云飞 、 甘业华*)(IF:3.029)

miR-29b suppresses proliferation, migration, and invasion of tongue squamous cell carcinoma through PTEN-AKT signaling pathway by targeting Sp1

Oral oncology  2014 Nov;50(11):1062-71

47、Zhien Feng、ChuanBin Guo*  et al. ( 作者:冯芝恩 、 郭传瑸*)(IF:3.029)

Risk factors and treatment of contralateral neck recurrence for unilateral oral squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective study of 1482 cases

Oral oncology  2014 Aug 22(14):1081-1088

48、Yuanyuan Wang、 Yuming Zhao*  et al. ( 作者:王媛媛 、 赵玉鸣*)(IF:2.84)

Effects of the enamel matrix derivative on the proliferation and odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp cells

JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY  2014 Jan;42(1):53-9

49、Lin Wang、Yixiang Wang* 、 Chuanbin Guo*  et al. ( 作者:王琳 、王衣祥*、郭传瑸*)(IF:2.84)

Melanoma differentiation-associated gene-7/interleukin-24 as a potential prognostic biomarker and second primary malignancy indicator in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients

Tumor Biology 2014 Nov;35(11):10977-85

50、JiaZeng Su、GuangYan Yu*  et al. ( 作者:苏家增、俞光岩*)(IF:2.809)

Obstructive sialadenitis of a transplanted submandibular gland: chronic inflammation secondary to ductal obstruction

British journal of ophthalmology 2014 Dec;98(12):1672-7

51、ZhiChun Zhang、XueJun Gao*  et al. ( 作者:张志春、 高学军*)(IF:2.788)

Effects of WNT10A on Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Cells

Journal of endodontics 2014 Oct;40(10):1593-9

52、Bing Han、Xiaoyan Wang*  et al. ( 作者:韩冰、 王晓燕*)(IF:2.788)

Influence of Calcium Hydroxide-loaded Microcapsules on Osteoprotegerin and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand Activity

Journal of endodontics 2014 Dec;40(12):1977-82

53、Weiyu Gong、Yanmei Dong*  et al. ( 作者:宫玮玉、 董艳梅*)(IF:2.788)

Ionic extraction of a novel nano-sized bioactive glass enhances differentiation and mineralization of human dental pulp cells

Journal of endodontics 2014 Jan;40(1):83-8

54、XiaoFei Zhu、ChengFei Zhang*  et al. ( 作者:朱笑菲、 张成飞*)(IF:2.788)

Immunohistochemical and histochemical analysis of newly formed tissues in root canal space transplanted with dental pulp stem cells plus platelet-rich plasma

Journal of endodontics 2014 Oct;40(10):1573-8

55、MingHui Mao、 JianGuo Zhang*  et al. ( 作者:毛明惠、张建国*)(IF:2.733)

Postoperative [???I] seed brachytherapy in the treatment of acinic cell carcinoma of the parotid gland: with associated risk factors

Strahlentherapie und Onkologie   2014 Oct;190(11):1008-14

56、YingBin Yan、 YeHua Gan* 、 Yi Zhang*  et al. ( 作者:严颖彬、 甘业华*、张益*)(IF:2.597)

A pilot trial on the molecular pathophysiology of traumatic temporomandibular joint bony ankylosis in a sheep model. Part I: Expression of Wnt signaling

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery 2014 Mar;42(2):e15-22

57、YingBin Yan、 YeHua Gan* 、 Yi Zhang*  et al. ( 作者:严颖彬、 甘业华*、张益*)(IF:2.597)

A pilot trial on the molecular pathophysiology of traumatic temporomandibular joint bony ankylosis in a sheep model. Part II: The differential gene expression among fibrous ankylosis, bony ankylosis and condylar fracture

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery 2014 Mar;42(2):e15-22

58、Yuming Zhao、 Yi Zhang*  et al. ( 作者:赵玉鸣、张益*)(IF:2.597)

A Retrospective Study of Using Removable Occlusal Splint in the Treatment of Condylar Fracture in Children

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery 2014 Oct;42(7):1078-82

59、Zhien Feng、ChuanBin Guo*  et al. ( 作者:冯芝恩、郭传瑸*)(IF:2.597)

Elective neck dissection versus observation in the management of early tongue carcinoma with clinically node-negative neck: A retrospective study of 229 cases

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery 2014 Sep;42(6):806-10

60、Yuxing Guo、ChuanBin Guo*  et al. ( 作者:郭玉兴、郭传瑸*)(IF:2.597)

Maxillary-fronto-temporal approach for removal of recurrent malignant infratemporal fossa tumors: Anatomical and clinical study

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery  2014 Apr;42(3):206-12

61、Yi Chu、Xiangying Ouyang*  et al. ( 作者:褚祎、 欧阳翔英*)(IF:2.565)

Accuracy of Partial-Mouth Examination Protocols for Extent and Severity Estimates of Periodontitis:A Sudy in a Chinese Population with Chronic Periodontitis

Journal of periodontology  2014 Oct 16:1-18

62、Xianghui Feng、Huanxin Meng*  et al. ( 作者:冯向辉、 孟焕新*)(IF:2.565)

Detection of eight periodontal microorganisms and distribution of Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotypes in chinese patients with aggressive periodontitis

Journal of periodontology 2014 Jan;85(1):150-9

63、Jianru Liu、  Xiangying Ouyang*、Yixiang Wang*  et al. ( 作者:刘建如、 欧阳翔英*、王衣祥*)(IF:2.565)

Intracellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Is Regulated by Porphyromonas gingivalis Through Nucleotide Binding Oligomerization Domain-Containing Proteins 1 and 2 Molecules in Periodontal Fibroblasts

Journal of periodontology   2014 Feb;85(2):358-68

64、Jing Qiao、  Huimei Jia*  et al. ( 作者:乔静、 贾惠梅*)(IF:2.524)

Photodynamic effects on human periodontal-related cells in vitro

Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy  2014 Sep;11(3):290-9

65、R. Wang、  Z. H. Tang*  et al. ( 作者:王刃、 唐志辉*)(IF:2.514)

Peri-implant conditions and their relationship with periodontal conditions in Chinese patients: a cross-sectional study

Clinical oral implants research  2014 Mar;25(3):372-7

66、Yan Si、 Shuang Ao 、 Feng Chen*  Shuguo Zheng*  et al. ( 作者:司燕、鳌霜、 陈峰*、郑树国*)(IF:2.5)

Magnetic Bead-Based Salivary Peptidome Profiling Analysis for Severe Early Childhood Caries

Caries research 2014 Dec 24;49(1):63-69

67、Yan Chen、 TieJun Li*  et al. ( 作者:陈艳、 李铁军*)(IF:2.411)

A clinicopathologic study on calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor: with special reference to Langerhans cell variant

Diagnostic Pathology  2014 Feb 20;9:37

68、J Fu、 P Wei、Z Yan*、H Hua*  et al. ( 作者:付静雅、魏攀、 华红*、闫志敏*)(IF:2.404)

In vitro antifungal effect and inhibitory activity on biofilm formation of seven commercial mouthwashes

Oral diseases  2014 Nov;20(8):815-20

69、X Wang、 Q Luan*  et al. ( 作者:王啸轩、 栾庆先*)(IF:2.404)

Mitochondrial polymorphisms and dysfunction related to aggressive periodontitis: a pilot study

Oral diseases  2014 Jul;20(5):490-8

70、Heyu Zhang、 Tiejun Li*  et al. ( 作者:张荷钰、 李铁军*)(IF:2.281)

CMTM5 exhibits tumor suppressor activity through promoter methylation in oral squamous cell carcinoma


71、Yaoyin Li、 ChuanXiang Zhou* 、 Yan Gao* ( 作者:李耀银、周传香*、高岩*)(IF:2.281)

Snail regulates the motility of oral cancer cells via RhoA/Cdc42/p-ERM pathway


72、Y.H. Liang、 L. Jiang、 Y.H. Liang* et al. ( 作者:梁宇红、姜岚、梁宇红*)(IF:2.273)

Detection and measurement of artificial periapical lesions by cone-beam computed tomography


73、J. Bai、 M.W. Huang* et al.( 作者:白洁、 黄明伟*)(IF:2.273)

Submental cutaneous sinus tract of mandibular second molar origin


74、R. Lu、 H. Meng* et al.( 作者:路瑞芳、孟焕新*)(IF:2.215)

Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on short chain fatty acid levels in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis

Journal of periodontal research 2014 Oct;49(5):574-83

75、JianXia Hou、Yamada S* et al.( 作者:侯建霞、Yamada S*)(IF:2.215)

Iron plays key role in cytodifferentiation of human periodontal ligament cells

Journal of periodontal research 2014 Apr;49(2):260-7

76、Lin Wang、 YiXiang Wang、 ChuanBin Guo*( 作者:王琳、王衣祥、郭传瑸*)(IF:2.191)

Editing genomic DNA in cancer cells with high genetic variance: benefit or risk?

Oncology reports 2014 May;31(5):2079-84

77、YinFei Pu、 YiXiang Wang*et al.( 作者:浦寅飞、王衣祥*)(IF:2.191)

High MMP-21 expression in metastatic lymph nodes predicts unfavorable overall survival for oral squamous cell carcinoma patients with lymphatic metastasis

Oncology reports 2014 Jun;31(6):2644-50

78、Wei Qi、 Jie Pan*et al.( 作者:齐伟、潘洁*)(IF:2.191)

Synergistic effect of nanosecond pulsed electric field combined with low-dose of pingyangmycin on salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma

Oncology reports 2014 May;31(5):2220-8

79、Xiaowen Zheng、 Feng Chen、 Jiuxiang Lin*et al.( 作者:郑小雯、陈峰、林久祥*)(IF:2.174)

Exosome Analysis: A Promising Biomarker System with SpecialAttention to Saliva

Journal of Membrane Biology  2014 Nov;247(11):1129-36

80、Hong Su、TianMin  Xu*et al.( 作者:苏红、许天民*)(IF:2.029)

Compensation trends of the angulation of first molars: retrospective study of 1 403 malocclusion cases

International journal of oral science  2014 Sep;6(3):175-81

81、WeiPeng Jiang、Feng Chen*、 TieJun Li*et al.( 作者:姜炜鹏、李铁军*、陈峰*)(IF:2.029)

Identification of the involvement of LOXL4 in generation of keratocystic odontogenic tumors by RNA-Seq analysis

International journal of oral science  2014 Mar;6(1):31-8

82、GuangYing Song、TianMin Xu*et al.( 作者:宋广瀛、 许天民*)(IF:2.029)

Reliability assessment and correlation analysis of evaluating orthodontic treatment outcome in Chinese patients

International journal of oral science  2014 Mar;6(1):50-5

83、Haihua Lei、Lihong Ge*et al.( 作者:雷海华、葛立宏*)(IF:1.979)

Immunohistochemical localization of Pax6 in the developing tooth germ of mice

Journal of molecular histology  2014 Aug;45(4):373-9

84、Jianru Liu、 Yixiang Wang*、 Xiangying Ouyang*et al.( 作者:刘建如、王衣祥*、欧阳翔英*)(IF:1.979)

Beyond Toll-Like Receptors: Porphyromonas gingivalis Induces IL-6,IL-8,and VCAM-1 Expression Through NOD-Mediated NF-κB and ERK Signaling Pathways in Periodontal Fibroblasts

Inflammation  2014 Apr;37(2):522-33

85、Jianru Liu、 Yixiang Wang*、 Xiangying Ouyang* et al.( 作者:刘建如、王衣祥*、欧阳翔英*)(IF:1.979)

Beyond Toll-Like Receptors: Porphyromonas gingivalis Induces IL-6,IL-8,and VCAM-1 Expression Through NOD-Mediated NF-κB and ERK Signaling Pathways in Periodontal Fibroblasts

Inflammation  2014 Apr;37(2):522-33

86、XiaoPei Chi 、 XiangYing Ouyang*、 YiXiang Wang*( 作者:迟晓培、欧阳翔英*、王衣祥*)(IF:1.88)

Hydrogen sulfide synergistically upregulates Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of IL-6 and IL-8 via NF-kappa B signalling in periodontal fibroblasts

Archives of oral biology  2014 Jun 2;59(9):954-961

87、SingWai Wong、 HaoChen Liu、 Dong Han*、HaiLan Feng* et al.( 作者:王升威、刘浩辰、韩冬*、冯海兰*)(IF:1.88)

Novel missense mutations in the AXIN2 gene associated with non-syndromic oligodontia

Archives of oral biology  2014 Mar;59(3):349-53

88、FeiYan Yu、 Feng Chen、 TieJun  Li*  et al.( 作者:余飞燕、陈峰*、李铁军*)(IF:1.88)

The large intracellular loop of ptch1 mediates the non-canonical Hedgehog pathway through cyclin B1 in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome

Archives of oral biology  2014 Aug;34(2):507-12

89、Xianghui Feng、 Li Xu*  et al.( 作者:冯向辉、徐莉*)(IF:1.88)

Distribution of 8 periodontal microorganisms in family members of Chinese patients with aggressive periodontitis

Archives of oral biology  2014 Dec 2;60(3):400-407

90、YinFei Pu、 YiXiang Wang、ChuanBin Guo*  et al.( 作者:浦寅飞、 王衣祥*、郭传瑸*)(IF:1.783)

Generation of homologous cell pairs using the oral lymphatic system

International journal of clinical and experimental pathology  2014 Mar 15;7(4):1563-71

91、Binbin Li*、 Hao Liu  et al.( 作者:李斌斌、刘浩、李斌斌*)(IF:1.778)

Puerarin enhances bone mass by promoting osteoblastogenesis and slightly lowering bone marrow adiposity in ovariectomized rats

Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin  2014 Dec 1;37(12):1919-25

92、Gao S、Ge L H.*、 Hao Liu  et al.( 作者:高硕、 葛立宏*)(IF:1.729)

Nuclear factor I-C expression pattern in developing teeth and its important role in odontogenic differentiation of human molar stem cells from the apical papilla

European journal of oral sciences  2014 Dec;122(6):382-90

93、Jing Liu 、 Peijun Lü*  et al.( 作者:刘晶、吕培军*)(IF:1.649)

Effects of Yb:KYW thin-disk femtosecond laser ablation on enamel surface roughness


94、Y a n W e i、 Y a n W e i*  et al.( 作者:卫彦、卫彦*)(IF:1.61)

Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of BaTiO3 Nanofibers Prepared via Electrospinning

Journal of Materials Science & Technology  2014,30(8),743-747

95、Yi Fan、 JianGuo Zhang*  et al.( 作者:范祎、 张建国*)(IF:1.5)

Survival analysis of oral squamous cell carcinoma in a subgroup of young patients

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention  2014;15(20):8887-91

96、Fusong Yuan、 PeijunLü*  et al.( 作者:原福松、 吕培军*)(IF:1.475)

Computer-aided design of tooth preparations for automated development of fixed prosthodontics

Computers in Biology and Medicine  2014 Jan;44:10-4

97、CuiYing Li、 Songlin Wang*  et al.( 作者:李翠英、 Songlin Wang*)(IF:1.448)

An introduction to clinical practice guideline for Chinese undergraduates in stomatology

European Journal of Dental Education  2014 May;18(2):110-4

98、Qian Chen、 XinZhi Wang*  et al.( 作者:陈倩、 王新知*)(IF:1.435)

Effect on Push-out Bond Strength of Glass-fiber Posts Functionalized with Polydopamine Using Different Adhesives


99、Chunling Ge、 BDentSc*  et al.( 作者:葛春玲、 BDentSc*)(IF:1.419)

Effect of porcelain and enamel thickness on porcelain veneer failure loads in vitro

Journal of prosthetic dentistry  2014 May;111(5):380-7

100、Shiming Liu、 Yuhua Liu*  et al.( 作者:刘诗铭、 刘玉华*)(IF:1.419)

Influence of occlusal contact and cusp inclination on the biomechanical character of a maxillary premolar: A finite element analysis

Journal of prosthetic dentistry  2014 May;112(5):1238-1245 

101、Y. Wang、 G.Y. Yu*  et al.( 作者:王洋、 俞光岩*)(IF:1.359)

Fibrous hyperplasia involving the orifice of Stensen's duct

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 Apr;43(4):418-21

102、J. Zhang、J. Zhang*  et al.( 作者:张杰、 张杰*)(IF:1.359)

Iodine-125 brachytherapy for the treatment of a large parotid epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma in a child.

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2014 Dec;43(12):1431-5

103、HuaJie Yu、LiXin Qiu*  et al.( 作者:尉华杰、 邱立新*)(IF:1.359)

Long-term follow-up of autogenous canine transplants with application of guided bone regeneration

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 Mar;43(3):355-61

104、Bing Han、Yan Wei*  et al.( 作者:韩冰、 卫彦*)(IF:1.357)

Improved bioactivity of PAN-based carbon nanofibers decorated with bioglass nanoparticles


105、JianMin Han、Guang Hong*  et al.( 作者:韩建民、 Guang Hong*)(IF:1.309)

The adhesive strength and initial viscosity of denture adhesives

Acta Odontologica Scandinavica  2014 Nov;72(8):839-45

106、Pengyan Qiao、Qiufei Xie*  et al.( 作者:乔朋艳、 谢秋菲*)(IF:1.293)

Delivering MC3T3-E1 cells into injectable calcium phosphate cement through alginate-chitosan microcapsules for bone tissue engineering

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B   2014 Apr;15(4):382-92

107、Chen Chen、Yi Zhang*  et al.( 作者:陈晨、 张益*)(IF:1.28)

Comparative study of four maxillofacial trauma scoring systems and expert score

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 Nov;72(11):2212-20

108、BinZhang Wu 、BiaoYi*  et al.( 作者:吴彬璋、 伊彪*)(IF:1.28)

Primary Neuroendocrine Carcinoma in Oral Cavity: Two Case Reports and Review of the Literature

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 Mar;72(3):633-44

109、Li Xuan Niu、Chuan Bin Guo*  et al.( 作者:牛力璇、郭传瑸*)(IF:1.28)

Prognostic Factors of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Buccal Mucosa: A Retrospective Study of 168 Cases in North China

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 May;72(11):2344-2350

110、Xi Gong、Yi Zhang*  et al.( 作者:巩玺、张益*)(IF:1.28)

Quantitation of Zygomatic Complex Symmetry Using 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 Oct;72(10):2053.e1-8

111、Zhien Feng、Chuan Bin Guo*  et al.( 作者:冯芝恩、 郭传瑸*)(IF:1.28)

Supraomohyoid Neck Dissection in the Management of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Special Consideration for Skip Metastases at Level IV or V

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2014 Jun;72(6):1203-11

112、Xiaonan Yu、Tianmin Xu*  et al.( 作者:于潇楠、许天民*)(IF:1.277)

Evaluation of facial attractiveness for patients with malocclusion: a machine-learning technique employing Procrustes

Angle orthodontist  2014 May;84(3):410-6

113、YuJiao Guo、Gang Li*  et al.( 作者:郭玉娇、李刚*)(IF:1.271)

An unusual odontogenic myxoma in mandible and submandibular region: a rare case report

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology  2014 Dec;43(8):20140087

114、S Yang、Y Gu*  et al.( 作者:杨甦、谷岩*)(IF:1.271)

Comparison of linear measurements between CBCT orthogonally synthesized cephalograms and conventional cephalograms

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology  2014;43(7):20140024

115、ZhiLing Zhang、Gang Li*  et al.( 作者:张智玲、李刚*)(IF:1.271)

Detection accuracy of condylar defects in cone beam CT images scanned with different resolutions and units

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology  2014;43(3):20130414

116、Jingang An、Yi Zhang*  et al.( 作者:安金刚、张益*)(IF:1.265)

Classification and characteristics of pterygoid process fracture associated with maxillary transverse fracture

Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology   2014 Feb;117(2):243-52

117、JiangMing Li、Yi Zhang*  et al.( 作者:李江明、张益*)(IF:1.265)

Imaging and histologic features of traumatic temporomandibular joint ankylosis

Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology   2014 Sep;118(3):330-7

118、Chao Wang、Man Qin*  et al.( 作者:王超、 秦满*)(IF:1.214)

Analysis of pulp prognosis in 603 permanent teeth with uncomplicated crown fracture with or without luxation

Dental Traumatology  2014 Feb 27:1-5

119、Zhuo Chen、Yi Zhang*  et al.( 作者:陈卓、张益*)(IF:1.214)

Traumatic dental injuries among 8-to 12-year-old schoolchildren in Pinggu District, Beijing, China, during 2012

Dental Traumatology  2014 Oct;30(5):385-90

120、Yihong Liu、Yihong Liu*  et al.( 作者:刘亦洪、刘亦洪*)(IF:1.185)

Failure Modes and Fracture Origins of Porcelain Veneers on Bilayer Dental Crowns


121、Binbin Li、Chuanxiang Zhou、Binbin Li*  et al.( 作者:李斌斌、周传香、 李斌斌*)(IF:1.112)

Basal cell adenoma of salivary glands with a focal cribriform pattern: clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 19 cases of a potential pitfall for diagnosis

Annals of Diagnostic Pathology   2014 Feb;18(1):5-9

122、ZhiEn Feng、Yan An Wang*  et al.( 作者:冯芝恩、Yan An Wang*)(IF:0.987)

Tricholemmal carcinoma of the head and neck region: A report of 15 cases

ONCOLOGY LETTERS  2014 7: 423-426

123、Jianmin Han、Hong Lin*  et al.( 作者:韩建民、林红*)(IF:0.943)

Abrasive wear and surface roughness of contemporary dental composite resin

Dental Materials Journal  2014 Dec 5;33(6):725-32

124、Jianmin Han、Guang Hong*  et al.( 作者:韩建民、Guang Hong*)(IF:0.943)

The surface characterization and bioactivity of NANOZR in vitro

Dental Materials Journal  2014;33(2):210-9

125、Bichen Lin、 Yuming Zhao、Lihong Ge*  et al.( 作者:林碧琛、赵玉鸣、葛立宏*)(IF:0.943)

Effects of zinc oxide-eugenol and calcium hydroxide/iodoform on delaying root resorption in primary molars without successors

Dental Materials Journal  2014 Aug 1;33(4):471-5

126、Jianmin Han、 Guang Hong*  et al.( 作者:韩建民、Guang Hong*)(IF:0.943)

Influence of composition on the adhesive strength and initial viscosity of denture adhesives

Dental Materials Journal  2014;33(1):98-103

127、Zhiyu Chen、 Xinzhi Wang*  et al.( 作者:陈至渝、王新知*)(IF:0.905)

A Novel Computer-Aided Method to Fabricate a Custom One-Piece Glass Fiber Dowel-and-Core Based on Digitized Impression and Crown Preparation Data

Journal of Prosthodontics  2014 Jun;23(4):276-83

128、Zhao Jing、Shen Zhijian*  et al.( 作者:赵静、沈志坚*)(IF:0.905)

Effect of multistep processing technique on the formation of micro-defects and residual stresses in zirconia dental restorations

Journal of Prosthodontics  2014 Apr;23(3):206-12

129、H.C. Liu、H.L. Feng*  et al.( 作者:赵静、沈志坚*)(IF:0.85)

Association between rs11001553 of DKK1 and non-syndromic tooth agenesis in the Chinese Han population

Genetics and molecular research  2014 Apr 3;13(3):7133-9

130、Yuchun Sun、Fusong Yuan、Yong Wang*  et al.( 作者:孙玉春、原福松、王勇*)(IF:0.847)

Evaluation of the accuracy of a common regional registration method for three-dimensional reconstruction of edentulous jaw relation by a 7-axis three-dimensional measuring system

Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2014;24(1):1275-87

131、Dandan Xia、Gang Zheng*  et al.( 作者:夏丹丹、 郑刚*)(IF:0.847)

Dynamic fatigue performance of implant-abutment assemblies with different tightening torque values

Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering   2014;24(6):2143-9

132、Juan Wang、Qiufei Xie*  et al.( 作者:王娟、谢秋菲*)(IF:0.847)

Microencapsulated rBMMSCs/calcium phosphate cement for bone formation in vivo

Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering   2014;24(1):835-43

133、Guangyao Feng、Bingshuang Zou*  et al.( 作者:冯光耀、邹冰爽*)(IF:0.779)

Comparative Characterization of Maxillary Expansion and Alternate Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions in Rats

Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology-Medical Sciences  2014 Dec;34(6):935-41

134、XiaoFeng Shan、ZhiGang Cai*  et al.( 作者:单小峰、蔡志刚*)(IF:0.676)

Evaluation of Foot Perfusion After Fibula Flap Surgery

Journal of craniofacial surgery  2014 Jul;25(4):1346-7

135、Jingang An、Jingang An*  et al.( 作者:安金刚、安金刚*)(IF:0.676)

Surgical ciliated cyst of the medial canthal region after the management of a midfacial fracture: a case report

Journal of craniofacial surgery  2014;25(2):701-2

136、Yuchun Sun、Peijun Lv*  et al.( 作者:孙玉春、 吕培军*)(IF:0.623)

High-intensity femtosecond laser ablation of human enamel and dentin

Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics  2014 4(3):422-426

137、Guangju Yang、QiuFei Xie*  et al.( 作者:杨广聚、谢秋菲*)(IF:0.577)

A study on variability of quantitative sensory testing in healthy participants and painful temporomandibular disorder patients


138、Min Liu、Tao Xu*  et al.( 作者:刘敏、 徐韬*)(IF:0.532)

Short-term Effect of Mechanical Plaque Control on Salivary Mutans Streptococci in Preschool Children

Oral health & preventive dentistry  2014;12(3):219-24