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2015年发表SCI 一览表 (* 通讯作者)

1、Ruili Yang,Dawei Liu,Yanheng Zhou*,Songtao Shi* et al.( 作者:杨瑞莉、柳大为、周彦恒*、Songtao Shi*)(IF:21.561)

Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Tet1- and Tet2-Mediated Foxp3 Demethylation to Drive Regulatory T Cell Differentiation and Maintain Immune Homeostasis

Immunity 2015 August ; 43, 251–263

2、Chenying Zhang , Dana T. Graves * et al.(作者:张趁英、Dana T. Graves*)(IF:9.834)

FOXO1 differentially regulates both normal and diabetic wound healing

Journal of cell biology 2015 April ; Vol. 209 No. 2 289–303

3、Longwei Lv, Yunsong Liu , Yongsheng Zhou * et al.(作者:吕珑薇、 刘云松、周永胜*)(IF:8.557)

The nanoscale geometry of TiO2 nanotubes influences the osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells by modulating H3K4 trimethylation

Biomaterials 2015 ; 39 193–205

4、Mengke Wang , Zhihui Tang* Shicheng Wei * et al.(作者:王梦珂、 唐志辉*、魏世成*)(IF:6.723)

In vitro culture and directed osteogenic differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells on peptides-decorated two-dimensional microenvironment

Acs applied materials & interfaces 2015 February :4560?4572

5、YIPING HUANG,YUNFEI ZHENG,LINGFEI JIA *,WEIRAN LI* (作者:黄一平、郑云飞、贾凌飞*、李巍然*)(IF:6.523)

Long Noncoding RNA H19 Promotes Osteoblast Differentiation Via TGF-b1/Smad3/HDAC Signaling Pathway by Deriving miR-675

Stem cells 2015 ; 33: 3481–3492

6、E. XIAO , S. Q. WANG*,YI ZHANG * et al. (作者:肖锷、 张益*、王世强*)(IF:6.523)

Brief reports:TRPM7 senses mechanical stimulation inducing osteogenesis in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

Stem cells 2015 ; 33 : 615–621

7、Yang Jiang , Xi-Yuan Ge*, Jian-Guo Zhang* et al. (作者:姜洋、 葛兮源*、张建国*)(IF:6.359)

Thioredoxin 1 mediates TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma

Oncotarget 2015 August ;

8、Wen Shi , Demin Zhou*, Zhigang Cai* et al. (作者:史闻、 Demin Zhou*、 蔡志刚*)(IF:6.359)

Potential involvement of miR-375 in the premalignant progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma mediated via transcription factor KLF5.

Oncotarget 2015 October ; 40172–40185

9、Shang Xie , Zhigang Cai*, Xiao-Feng Shan* et al. (作者:谢尚、蔡志刚*、单小峰*)(IF:5.723)

PRISMA-Extracapsular Dissection Versus Superficial Parotidectomy in Treatment of Benign Parotid Tumors: Evidence From 3194 Patients

Medicine 2015 August Volume 94, Number 34

10、Hui Zheng*, Lixin Xu ,Ting Chen*, Jiuxiang Lin*, Feng Chen* et al. (作者:郑晖、许力心、陈挺* 、林久祥*、陈峰*)(IF:5.578)

Subgingival microbiome in patients with healthy and ailing dental implants

Scientific reports 2015 Jun

11、Xin Cong , Li-Ling Wu* Guang-Yan Yu* et al. (作者:丛馨、Li-Ling Wu* 、俞光岩*)(IF:5.432)

Claudin-4 is required for modulation of paracellular permeability by muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in epithelial cells

Journal of cell science 2015 128, 2271-2286

12、Xiao Xing Kou ,Yan Heng Zhou * , Ye Hua Gan * et al. (作者:寇晓星、周彦恒* 、甘业华*)(IF:4.922)

Estradiol promotes M1-like macrophage activation through cadherin-11 to aggravate temporomandibular joint inflammation in rats

Journal of immunology 2015, 194: 2810–2818.

13、Xiaoman Li , Xiaoyan Wang * et al. (作者:李晓曼、 王晓燕*)(IF:4.726)

Chitosan-decorated calcium hydroxide microcapsules with pH-triggered release for endodontic applications

Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015, 3, 8884--8891

14、Wenmei Xiao , Dana T. Gravesy * et al. (作者:肖文美、Dana T. Graves*)(IF:4.591)

FOXO1 Deletion Reduces Dendritic Cell Function and Enhances Susceptibility to Periodontitis

American journal of Pathology 2015, 185: 1085e1093

15、Jinqi Wei , Mingming Xu , Yan Wei* , Xuliang Deng * et al. (作者:韦金奇、 徐明明、卫彦*、邓旭亮*)(IF:4.448)

Enhanced Osteogenic Behavior of ADSCs Produced by Deproteinized Antler Cancellous Bone and Evidence for Involvement of ERK Signaling Pathway

Tissue engineering Part A Volume 21, Numbers 11 and 12, 2015

16、Yi Deng , Zhihui Tang * , weishicheng* et al. (作者:邓怡、魏世成*、唐志辉*)(IF:4.383)

Effect of surface roughness on osteogenesis in vitro and osseointegration in vivo of carbon fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone-nanohydroxyapatite composite

International journal of nanomedicine 2015:10 1425–1447

17、Ying Wang , Yan Wei , Xuliang Deng * et al. (作者:王莹、卫彦、 邓旭亮*)(IF:4.321)

PLGA/PDLLA core–shell submicron spheres sequential release system:Preparation, characterization and promotion of bone regeneration in vitro and in vivo

Chemical Engineering Journal 2015 490–501

18、Meimei , Li-Ling Wu* , Guang-Yan Yu * et al. (作者:梅梅、Li-Ling Wu*、俞光岩*)(IF:4.321)

Claudin-3 is required for modulation of paracellular permeability by TNF-alpha through ERK1/2/slug signaling axis in submandibular gland

Cellular signalling

19、Yao-Yin Li , Chuan-Xiang Zhou*, Yan Gao* (作者:李耀银、周传香*、高岩*)(IF:4.165)

Podoplanin promotes the invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma in coordination with MT1-MMP and Rho GTPases

American journal of cancer research 2015;5(2):514-529

20、M. LIU , J. TAN* et al. (作者:刘明月、谭建国*)(IF:4.152)

Surface modification of zirconia with polydopamine to enhance fibroblast response and decrease bacterial activity in vitro: A potential technique for soft tissue engineering applications

Colloids and surfaces b-biointerfaces 2015 42; 282--290

21、Zuyuan Luo , Yi Deng , Jie Wei* , Shicheng Wei* et al. (作者:罗祖源、邓怡、魏杰*、魏世成*)(IF:4.152)

Peptide-laden mesoporous silica nanoparticles with promoted bioactivity and osteo-differentiation ability for bone tissue engineering

Colloids and surfaces b-biointerfaces 2015 131 73–82

22、M. Zeng , Y. Zhou* et al. (作者:曾岷玟、周彦恒*)(IF:4.139)

Orthodontic Force Induces Systemic Inflammatory Monocyte Responses

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(9) 1295–1302

23、X. Guan , Y. Zhou* et al. (作者:关心、周彦恒*)(IF:4.139)

The ADAMTS1 Gene Is Associated with Familial Mandibular Prognathism

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(9) 1196–1201

24、D. He , Y. Zhou* et al. (作者:何丹青、周彦恒*)(IF:4.139)

Enhanced m1/m2 macrophage ratio promotes orthodontic root resorption

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(1) 129–139

25、D. He , Y. Zhou* et al. (作者:何丹青、周彦恒*)(IF:4.139)

M1-like Macrophage Polarization Promotes Orthodontic Tooth Movement

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(9) 1286–1294

26、L.H. He , Y.H. Gan* , Y. Zhang* et al. (作者:何临海、 甘业华*、张益*)(IF:4.139)

Osteoclast Deficiency Contributes to Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosed Bone Mass Formation

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(10) 1392–1400

27、J. Li , G.Y. Yu* et al. (作者:李静、 俞光岩*)(IF:4.139)

ZO-1 and -2 Are Required for TRPV1-Modulated Paracellular Permeability

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(12) 1748–1756

28、X.D. Wang , Y.H. Gan * , Y.H. Zhou * et al. (作者:王雪东、 甘业华*、周彦恒*)(IF:4.139)

Current understanding of pathogenesis and treatment of TMJ osteoarthritis

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(5) 666–673

29、E. Xiao , Dana T. Graves * (作者:肖锷、Dana T. Graves*)(IF:4.139)

Impact of Diabetes on the Protective Role of FOXO1 in Wound Healing

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(8) 1025–1026

30、H. Xu ,Y. Zhang* , Z.G. Cai * et al. (作者:许慧、 蔡志刚*、张益*)(IF:4.139)

Pre- and Post-synaptic Effects of Botulinum Toxin A on Submandibular Glands

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(10) 1454–1462

31、Yan Wen Juan , Zhang Cun Ying , Zheng Shu Guo* , Wang Yi Xiang * et al. (作者:闫文娟、 张趁英、郑树国*、王衣祥*)(IF:4.139)

Abnormal Differentiation of Dental Pulp Cells in Cleidocranial Dysplasia

Journal of dental research 2015

32、Y. Yan , F. Liu , Y. Zhou* et al. (作者:闫燕、刘福良、 周彦恒*)(IF:4.139)

T Cells Are Required for Orthodontic Tooth Movement

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(10) 1463–1470

33、Z. Zhong , Y. Chai * et al. (作者:钟喆、 柴洋*)(IF:4.139)

Different requirements for Wnt signaling in tongue myogenic subpopulations

Journal of dental research 2015, Vol. 94(3) 421–429

34、Huang Bao Xin , Meng Huan Xin* et al. (作者:黄宝鑫、 孟焕新*)(IF:3.889)

Influence of placement depth on bone remodeling around tapered internal connection implants: a histologic study in dogs

Clinical oral implants research

35、Shaoqing Liu , Yanmei Dong* et al. (作者:刘绍清、 董艳梅*)(IF:3.84)

The effect of submicron bioactive glass particles on in vitro osteogenesis

Rsc advances 2015, 5, 38830–38836

36、Ting Ma , Yu Zhang* , Ye Lin* et al. (作者:马婷、 张宇*、林野*)(IF:3.84)

The influence of titanium surfaces treated by alkalis on macrophage and osteoblast-like cell adhesion and gene expression in vitro

Rsc advances 2015, 5, 81378–81387

37、Tianda Wang , Hailan Feng* et al. (作者:王天达、 冯海兰*)(IF:3.84)

Use of multifunctional phosphorylated PAMAM dendrimers for dentin biomimetic remineralization and dentinal tubule occlusion

Rsc advances 2015, 5, 11136–11144

38、Wei Li , Yan Chen , Yan Gao* , Guang-Yan Yu* et al. (作者:李巍、陈艳、 高岩*、俞光岩*)(IF:3.753)

Clinicopathological characteristics of immunoglobulin G4-related sialadenitis

Arthritis research & therapy (2015) 17:186

39、Meng Song , Zhang Xue Hui , Xuliang Deng* , Yan Wei * et al. (作者:孟松、张学慧、 邓旭亮*、卫彦*)(IF:3.697)

Effects of deer age on the physicochemical properties of deproteinized antler cancellous bone: an approach to optimize osteoconductivity of bone graft

Biomedical materials

40、Huan Bian , Yixiang Wang * et al. (作者:卞换、王衣祥*)(IF:3.611)

Interpretation of immunohistochemistry data of tumor should consider microenvironmental factors

Tumor biology (2015) 36:4467–4477

41、Heyu Zhang , Tiejun Li * et al. (作者:张荷钰、李铁军*)(IF:3.611)

CMTM3 inhibits cell growth and migration and predicts favorable survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Tumor biology (2015) 36:7849–7858

42、Yao-Yin Li, Chuan-Xiang Zhou*, Yan Gao* et al. (作者:李耀银、周传香*、高岩*)(IF:3.607)

Moesin regulates the motility of oral cancer cells via MT1-MMP and E-cadherin/p120-catenin adhesion complex

Oral oncology

43、Qu Jia Fei, Cheng Feng*, Tiejun Li * et al. (作者:曲佳菲、陈峰*、李铁军*)(IF:3.607)

Underestimated PTCH1 mutation rate in sporadic keratocystic odontogenic tumors

Oral oncology

44、Liu Jing Yi , Zhou Xiao Ying* et al. (作者:刘静怡、 邹晓英*)(IF:3.375)

CXC Chemokine Receptor 4 Is Expressed Paravascularly in Apical Papilla and Coordinates with Stromal Cell-derived Factor-1α during Transmigration of Stem Cells from Apical Papilla

Journal of endodontics

45、Siyi Liu , Yanmei Dong* et al. (作者:刘思毅、董艳梅*)(IF:3.375)

Evaluation of a bioceramic as a pulp capping agent in vitro and in vivo

Journal of endodontics 2015;41:652–657

46、Yu Wang , Chengfei Zhang* et al. (作者:王郁、张成飞*)(IF:3.375)

Pulp revascularization on permanent teeth with open apices in a middle-aged patient

Journal of endodontics 2015;41:1571–1575

47、Ming-Ming Zhang , Yu-Hong Liang* et al. (作者:张明明、梁宇红*)(IF:3.375)

Management of Apical Periodontitis: Healing of Post-treatment Periapical Lesions Present 1 Year after Endodontic Treatment

Journal of endodontics 2015;41:1020–1025

48、Hao Liu , Yongsheng Zhou* et al. (作者:刘浩、周永胜*)(IF:3.368)

Co-administration of aspirin and allogeneic adipose-derived stromal cells attenuates bone loss in ovariectomized rats through the anti-inflammatory and chemotactic abilities of aspirin

Stem cell research & therapy (2015) 6:200

49、Xudong Bao , Dong Mei Deng* et al. (作者:包旭东、Dong Mei Deng*)(IF:3.234)

Streptococcus oligofermentans Inhibits Streptococcus mutans in Biofilms at Both Neutral pH and Cariogenic Conditions

SPlos one 2015

50、Shuo Chen , Biao Yi* et al. (作者:陈硕、伊彪*)(IF:3.234)

Cephalometric Analysis of the Facial Skeletal Morphology of Female Patients Exhibiting Skeletal Class II Deformity with and without Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthrosis

SPlos one 2015

51、 Li WeiWei , Wang Yong* , Sun Yu Chun * et al. (作者:李伟伟、王勇*、孙玉春*)(IF:3.234)

Evaluation of the quantitative accuracy of 3D reconstruction of edentulous jaw models with jaw relation based on reference point system alignment

SPlos one 2015

52、 Yue Li , He Liu* , Feng Chen* et al. (作者:李越、刘鹤*、陈峰*)(IF:3.234)

Analysis of the Microbiota of Black Stain in the Primary Dentition

SPlos one 2015

53、 Yifan Lin , Weiran Li* et al. (作者:林倚帆、李巍然*)(IF:3.234)

Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Assessment of Lower Facial Asymmetry in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate and Non-Cleft Patients with Class III Skeletal Relationship

SPlos one 2015

54、 Haochen Liu , Hailan Feng* et al. (作者:刘浩辰、冯海兰*)(IF:3.234)

A Novel Axin2 Missence Mutation Is Associated with Non-Syndramic Oligodontia

SPlos one 2015

55、 Chen Ma ,Feng Chen , Yan Si* ,Shuguo Zheng* et al. (作者:马晨、陈峰、司燕*、郑树国*)(IF:3.234)

Comparison of Oral Microbial Profiles between Children with Severe Early Childhood Caries and Caries-Free Children Using the Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray

SPlos one 2015

56、 Tianda Wang , Hailan Feng* et al. (作者:王天达、冯海兰*)(IF:3.234)

Use of poly (amidoamine) dendrimer for dentinal tubule occlusion: a preliminary study

SPlos one 2015

57、 Xin Wang , Man Qin* et al. (作者:王欣、秦满*)(IF:3.234)

Novel ENAM and LAMB3 Mutations in Chinese Families with Hypoplastic Amelogenesis Imperfecta

SPlos one 2015

58、 Shang Xie , Zhigang Cai* et al. (作者:谢尚、蔡志刚*)(IF:3.234)

Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of survivin expression in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma: evidence from a meta-analysis

SPlos one 2015

59、Fusong Yuan , Huaxin Sui , Yong Wang*, Yuchun Sun* et al. (作者:原福松、隋华欣、王勇*、孙玉春*)(IF:3.234)

A method of three-dimensional recording of mandibular movement based on two-dimensional image feature extraction

SPlos one 2015

60、Jingjing Zhang ,Xuemei Gao* et al. (作者:张晶晶、高雪梅*)(IF:3.234)

Upper Airway Changes after Orthodontic Extraction Treatment in Adults: A Preliminary Study using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

SPlos one 2015

61、Yifei Zhang , Yunfei Zheng , Yi Deng*, Shicheng Wei* et al. (作者:张翼飞、郑云飞、邓怡*、魏世成*)(IF:3.234)

Tantalum Nitride-Decorated Titanium with Enhanced Resistance to Microbiologically Induced Corrosion and Mechanical Property for Dental Application

SPlos one 2015

62、Zhichun Zhang , Hua Tian*, Chunyan Zhou* et al. (作者:张志春、田华*、周春燕*)(IF:3.234)

Transcriptional Factor DLX3 Promotes the Gene Expression of Enamel Matrix Proteins during Amelogenesis

SPlos one 2015

63、Miao Zheng , Jian-Guo Tan* et al. (作者:郑苗、谭建国*)(IF:3.234)

Enhanced Biological Behavior of In Vitro Human Gingival Fibroblasts on Cold Plasma-Treated Zirconia

SPlos one 2015

64、Miao Zhou , Min Hu* , Guang-yan Yu* et al. (作者:周苗、Min Hu*、俞光岩*)(IF:3.234)

The Value of SPECT/CT in Monitoring Prefabricated Tissue-Engineered Bone and Orthotopic rhBMP-2 Implants for Mandibular Reconstruction

SPlos one 2015

65、Xiao Zhang , Gang Wu* , Yongsheng Zhou* et al. (作者:张晓、吴刚*、周永胜*)(IF:3.116)

Effects of heterodimeric bone morphogenetic protein-2/7 on osteogenesis of human adipose-derived stem cells

Cell Proliferation 2015

66、Xian'e Wang , Huanxin Meng* et al. (作者:王宪娥、孟焕新*)(IF:2.982)

Mean platelet volume as an inflammatory marker in patients with severe periodontitis

Platelets 2015; 26(1): 67–71

67、H. Gao , J. Hou* , H. Meng* et al. (作者:郜洪宇、侯建霞*、孟焕新*)(IF:2.973)

S100A9-induced release of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 through toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in human periodontal ligament cells

Molecular immunology 2015; 50: 509–518

68、Jingang An , Yi Zhang* et al. (作者:安金刚、张益*)(IF:2.933)

Application of biodegradable plates for treating pediatric mandibular fractures

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery (2015) 515e516 520

69、Denghui Duan , Yi Zhang* et al. (作者:段登辉、张益*)(IF:2.933)

Histopathological features of hypertrophic bone mass of temporomandibular joint ankylosis (TMJA): An explanation of pathogenesis of TMJA

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery (2015) 926e933

70、W.B. Zhang , X. Peng* et al. (作者:章文博、彭歆*)(IF:2.933)

Reconstruction of maxillary defects with free fibula flap assisted by computer techniques

Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery (2015) 630e636

71、Ming-Hui Mao , Jian-Guo Zhang* et al. (作者:毛明惠、张建国*)(IF:2.914)

The incidence of radioepidermitis and the dose-response relationship in parotid gland cancer patients treated with 125I seed brachytherapy : Incidence of radioepidermitis and the dose-response relationship

Strahlentherapie und onkologie (2015) 191:26–33

72、Hongcheng Hu , Yinfei Pu , Songhe Lu , Yuwei Wu* , Zhihui Tang* et al. (作者:胡洪成、浦寅飞、卢松鹤、毋育伟*、唐志辉*)(IF:2.862)

The Osteogenesis Effect and Underlying Mechanisms of Local Delivery of gAPN in Extraction Sockets of Beagle Dogs

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015, 16, 24946-24964;

73、Hu Chen , Yong Wang * , Peijun Lü * et al. (作者:陈虎、王勇*、 吕培军*)(IF:2.859)

Femtosecond laser ablation of dentin and enamel: relationship between laser fluence and ablation efficiency

Journal of biomedical optics 2015

74、Jing Liu , Peijun Lü * , Yong Wang * et al. (作者:刘晶、吕培军*、 王勇*)(IF:2.859)

Surface roughness and wettability of dentin ablated with ultrashort pulsed laser

Journal of biomedical optics 2015

75、Xuehui Zhang , YanWei* , Xuliang Deng * et al. (作者:张学慧、卫彦*、 邓旭亮*)(IF:2.813)

Electrospun Gelatin/-TCP Composite Nanofibers Enhance Osteogenic Differentiation of BMSCs and In Vivo Bone Formation by Activating Ca2+-Sensing Receptor Signaling

Stem Cells International 2015

76、Y. Li , Z. Liu , S. Wei* , Y. Sun* et al. (作者:李永亮、Z. Liu、魏世成*、 Sun Y*)(IF:2.784)

Live-cell and super-resolution imaging reveal that the distribution of wall-associated protein A is correlated with the cell chain integrity of Streptococcus mutans

Molecular oral microbiology 2015

77、Wan Meng , Ou Yang Xiang Ying* et al. (作者:万蒙、 欧阳翔英*)(IF:2.784)

E-selectin expression induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis in human endothelial cells via nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors and Toll-like receptors

Molecular oral microbiology 2015

78、Yang Yang , Jianguo Tan* et al. (作者:杨洋、 谭建国*)(IF:2.759)

Ultraviolet light-treated zirconia with different roughness affects function of human gingival fibroblasts in vitro: The potential surface modification developed from implant to abutment


79、Xiyan Pei , Xiangying Ouyang* et al. (作者:裴喜燕、 欧阳翔英*)(IF:2.749)

A 4-year prospective study of the progression of periodontal disease in a rural Chinese population

Journal of dentistry 2015 1 9 2 – 2 0 0

80、Chu Wei , Xiangying Ouyang* et al. (作者:褚祎、 欧阳翔英*)(IF:2.706)

Accuracy of Partial-Mouth Examination Protocols for Extent and Severity Estimates of Periodontitis: A Study in a Chinese Population With Chronic Periodontitis

Journal of periodontology 2015

81、Wei Li , Jianxia Hou* et al. (作者:李玮、 侯建霞*)(IF:2.706)

Upregulated Leptin in Periodontitis Promotes Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in Periodontal Ligament Cells

Journal of periodontology 2015

82、ZHANG Ran , YANG Guan* , LI TieJun* et al. (作者:张然、YANG Guan*、李铁军*)(IF:2.702)

Odontoblast β-catenin signaling regulates fenestration of mouse Hertwig's epithelial root sheath

Science china. Life sciences 2015 September Vol.58 No.9: 876–881

83、Lv Pin , Ting Jiang* , LI TieJun* et al. (作者:吕品、 姜婷*)(IF:2.651)

Influence of Hot-Etching Surface Treatment on Zirconia/Resin Shear Bond Strength

Materials 2015

84、Xin Yang , Yihong Liu* , Hailan Feng* et al. (作者:杨鑫、 刘亦洪*、冯海兰*)(IF:2.651)

Accuracy of Digital Impressions and Fitness of Single Crowns Based on Digital Impressions

Materials 2015 8, 3945-3957

85、Wei-Peng Jiang , Feng Chen* et al. (作者:姜炜鹏、 陈峰*)(IF:2.637)

Diagnostic model of saliva peptide finger print analysis of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients using weak cation exchange magnetic beads

Bioscience reports 2015

86、Yi Fan , Ming-Wei Huang , Jian-Guo Zhang* et al. (作者:范祎、黄明伟、 张建国*)(IF:2.546)

Three-dimensional verification of 125I seed stability after permanent implantation in the parotid gland and periparotid region

Radiation Oncology 2015

87、Huan-Huan Wu , Yi-Xiang Wang*, Chuan-Bin Guo* et al. (作者:武欢欢、王衣祥*、郭传瑸*)(IF:2.514)

Bevacizumab Regulates Cancer Cell Migration by Activation of STAT3

Radiation Oncology 2015 6501-6506

88、Shang Xie , Zhigang Cai*, Xiaofeng Shan* et al. (作者:谢尚、蔡志刚*、单小峰*)(IF:2.5)

Efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin type A for treatment of Frey's syndrome: evidence from 22 published articles

Cancer medicine 2015

89、Jing Liu , Yong Wang* et al. (作者:刘晶、王勇*)(IF:2.489)

Wettability of dentin after Yb:KYW thin-disk femtosecond ablation

Lasers in medical science 2015 30:1689–1693

90、Yuchun Sun , Fusong Yuan , Yong Wang* et al. (作者:孙玉春、原福松、王勇*)(IF:2.489)

Method to control depth error when ablating human dentin with numerically controlled picosecond laser: a preliminary study

Lasers in medical science 2015 30:1435–1441

91、Yu Cai , QingXian Luan* et al. (作者:蔡宇、栾庆先*)(IF:2.472)

Green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate alleviates Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced periodontitis in mice

International immunopharmacology 2015

92、H. Gao , Y. Tian , H. Meng* et al. (作者:郜洪宇、田雨、孟焕新*)(IF:2.466)

Associations of apolipoprotein E and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 polymorphisms with dyslipidemia and generalized aggressive periodontitis in a Chinese population

Journal of periodontal research 2015; 50: 509–518

93、Ma Ze Yun , Wang Yi Xiang* et al. (作者:马泽云、王衣祥*)(IF:2.427)

Hydrogen sul?de accelerates cell cycle progression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines

Oral diseases 2015

94、H-C Wang ,Weipeng Jiang , LI TieJun* et al. (作者:王海丞、姜炜鹏、李铁军*)(IF:2.427)

Fibroblasts isolated from a keratocystic odontogenic tumor promote osteoclastogenesis in vitro via interaction with epithelial cells

Oral diseases 2015

95、H-C Wang , Y Yang , J-H Jiang* , C-Y Li* et al. (作者:王海丞、杨月、李翠英*、江久汇*)(IF:2.427)

The CRISPR/Cas system inhibited the pro-oncogenic effects of alternatively spliced fibronectin extra domain A via editing the genome in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma cells

Oral diseases 2015 21, 608–618

96、Lingfei Jia , Yiping Huang , Yunfei Zheng , Yehua Gan* , Guangyan Yu* et al. (作者:贾凌飞、黄一平、郑云飞、甘业华*、俞光岩*)(IF:2.301)

miR-375 inhibits cell growth and correlates with clinical outcomes in tongue squamous cell carcinoma

Oncology reports 2015 33: 2061-2071

97、Jing Tian , Qian Zhang* , Feng Chen* et al. (作者:田靖、秦满*、陈峰*)(IF:2.297)

Microbiome interaction with sugar plays an important role in relapse of childhood caries

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015; 468 294-299

98、Chen-Shuang Li , Yan-Heng Zhou* , Haijun Tian* et al. (作者:Chen-Shuang Li、周彦恒*、Haijun Tian*)(IF:2.297)

Secreted phosphoprotein 24 kD (Spp24) inhibits growth of human pancreatic cancer cells caused by BMP-2

Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2015; 466 167-172

99、Tong Chen , Yu-wei Wu , Zhi-hui Tang* et al. (作者:陈彤、毋育伟、 唐志辉*)(IF:2.297)

Adiponectin enhances osteogenic differentiation in human adipose-derived stem cells by activating the APPL1-AMPK signaling pathway

Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2015; 461 237-242

100、Weipeng Jiang , Guan Yang , Tiejun Li* et al. (作者:姜炜鹏、Guan Yang、李铁军*)(IF:2.297)

Disruption of Smad4 in odontoblasts and dental epithelial cells influences the phenotype of multiple keratocystic odontogenic tumors

Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2015; 463 280-284

101、Zhen Meng , Ye-Hua Gan* (作者:孟震、甘业华*)(IF:2.297)

Activating PTEN by COX-2 inhibitors antagonizes radiation-induced AKT activation contributing to radiosensitization

Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2015; 460 198-204

102、Xiaohui Yin , Qingxian Luan* et al. (作者:殷晓晖、栾庆先*)(IF:2.297)

Generation and periodontal differentiation of human gingival fibroblasts-derived integration-free induced pluripotent stem cells

Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2015;

103、Wenjing Hao , Man Qin* et al. (作者:郝文婧、秦满*)(IF:2.281)

Changes in Dental Plaque Microbial Richness and Oral Behavioral Habits during Caries Development in Young Chinese Children

Caries research 2015; 49:116–123

104、Yan Si , Shuang Ao , Feng Chen* , Shuguo Zheng* et al. (作者:司燕、敖霜、陈峰*、郑树国*)(IF:2.281)

Magnetic Bead-Based Salivary Peptidome Profiling Analysis for Severe Early Childhood Caries

Caries research 2015;49:63–69

105、Xia Hong , Guang-Yan Yu* et al. (作者:洪霞、俞光岩*)(IF:2.144)

Comorbid diseases of IgG4-related sialadenitis in the head and neck region

Laryngoscope 2015 , 125:2113–2118

106、Zhi-Peng Sun , Guang-Yan Yu* et al. (作者:孙志鹏、俞光岩*)(IF:2.144)

Cheek fistula from the ectopic salivary gland: a variant of the oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum

Laryngoscope 2015 , 125:360–364

107、Zhi-pu Ge , Gang Li* et al. (作者:葛志朴、李刚*)(IF:2.14)

Age estimation based on pulp chamber volume of first molars from cone-beam computed tomography images

Forensic Science International 2015 , 253 133.e1–133.e7

108、Xueting Jia , Wenjie Hu ,Huanxin Meng* (作者:贾雪婷、胡文杰、孟焕新*)(IF:2.112)

Relationship of central incisor implant placement to the ridge configuration anterior to the nasopalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study

PeerJ 2015

109、Xin Lv , Yan Gao* et al. (作者:吕欣、高岩*)(IF:2.01)

Unilateral submandibular swelling

Journal of the American Dental Association 2015

110、Xiaoxian Chen , Bin Xia , Lihong Ge* et al. (作者:陈小贤、夏斌、葛立宏*)(IF:1.93)

Effects of breast-feeding duration, bottle-feeding duration and non-nutritive sucking habits on the occlusal characteristics of primary dentition

Bmc pediatrics 2015 5:46

111、Zhihui Zhang , Hongwei Liu* et al. (作者:张智慧、刘宏伟*)(IF:1.891)

Impairment of mesenchymal stem cells derived from oral leukoplakia

International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 2015;8(9):10026-10037

112、Tingting Zhou , Xiaosong Liu* et al. (作者:周婷婷、刘晓松*)(IF:1.88)

Beneficial effects and safety of corticosteroids combined with traditional chinese medicine for pemphigus: a systematic review

Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2015

113、Zhihui Zhang , Hongwei Liu* et al. (作者:张智慧、刘宏伟*)(IF:1.87)

Interferon-γ regulates the function of mesenchymal stem cells from oral lichen planus via indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity

Journal of oral pathology & medicine 2015; 44: 15–27

114、Ran Li , Qi Zhang* et al. (作者:李冉、Qi Zhang*)(IF:1.815)

HtrA1 may regulate the osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells by TGF-β1

Journal of molecular histology 2015; 46:137–144

115、Dai Fan Fan , Xun Tian Min , Chen Si* et al. (作者:戴帆帆、许天民*、陈斯*)(IF:1.815)

A novel method for prediction of dynamic smiling expressions after orthodontic treatment: a case report

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2015

116、Binbin Li, Binbin Li* et al. (作者:李斌斌、李斌斌*)(IF:1.748)

Zinc Enhances Bone Metabolism in Ovariectomized Rats and Exerts Anabolic Osteoblastic/Adipocytic Marrow Effects Ex Vivo

Biological trace element research 2015 163:202–207

117、Xianghui Feng, Li Xu* et al. (作者:冯向辉、徐莉*)(IF:1.735)

Distribution of 8 periodontal microorganisms in family members of Chinese patients with aggressive periodontitis

Archives of oral biology 2015 6 0 4 0 0 – 4 0 7

118、Jianru Liu , Yixiang Wang* ,Xiangying Ouyang* et al. (作者:刘建如、王衣祥*、欧阳翔英*)(IF:1.735)

Adhesion of monocytes to periodontal fibroblasts requires activation of NOD1/2-and TLR4-mediated LFA-1 and VLA-4

Archives of oral biology 2015 6 0 8 3 4 – 8 4 4

119、Zhen Wang , Guang-Yan Yu* et al. (作者:王振、俞光岩*)(IF:1.735)

Characteristics of the saliva flow rates of minor salivary glands in healthy people

Archives of oral biology 2015 6 0 3 8 5 – 3 9 2

120、Yu-Wei Wu , Xu-Chen Ma* et al. (作者:毋育伟、马绪臣*)(IF:1.735)

Synovial TRPV1 is upregulated by 17-beta-estradiol and involved in allodynia of inflamed temporomandibular joints in female rats

Archives of oral biology 2015 6 0 1 3 1 0 – 1 3 1 8

121、J. N. Xiao , J.H.Meng * , Y.H. Gan* et al. (作者:肖佳灵、孟娟红*、甘业华*)(IF:1.682)

Association of GDF5, SMAD3 and RUNX2 polymorphisms with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in female Han Chinese

Journal of oral rehabilitation 2015

122、J. ZENG , T. XU* et al. (作者:曾婧婧、许天民*)(IF:1.682)

Tongue resting pressure of the tongue anchorage pad in different body positions: a pilot study

Journal of oral rehabilitation 2015 42; 414--419

123、M. LIU , J. TAN* et al. (作者:刘明月、陈立、谭建国*)(IF:1.682)

Online colour training system for dental students: a comprehensive assessment of different training protocols

Journal of oral rehabilitation 2015 42; 282--290

124、Qiufei Xie , Qiufei Xie* et al. (作者:谢秋菲、谢秋菲*)(IF:1.682)

Rehabilitation of oral function with removable dentures--still an option?

Journal of oral rehabilitation 2015

125、Fusong Yuan , Yong Wang* ,Yuchun Sun* et al. (作者:原福松、王勇*、孙玉春*)(IF:1.672)

Controlling Dental Enamel-Cavity Ablation Depth with Optimized Stepping Parameters Along the Focal Plane Normal Using a Three Axis, Numerically Controlled Picosecond Laser

Photomedicine and laser surgery 2015 Volume 33, Number 2, Pp. 92–97

126、Shengnan Jia , Yu Zhang , Ye Lin* et al. (作者:贾胜男、张宇、林野*)(IF:1.644)

Enhanced Hydrophilicity and Protein Adsorption of Titanium Surface by Sodium Bicarbonate Solution

Journal of Nanomaterials 2015 Volume

127、Qianqian Wang , Haifeng Chen ,Xuehui Zhang* et al. (作者:王倩倩、Haifeng Chen*、张学慧*)(IF:1.644)

Remineralizing Efficacy of Fluorohydroxyapatite Gel on Artificial Dentinal Caries Lesion

Journal of Nanomaterials 2015 Volume

128、 Mingming Xu ,Xuehui Zhang , Bing Han* , Xuliang Deng* et al. (作者:徐明明、张学慧、韩冰*、邓旭亮*)(IF:1.644)

Enhanced Critical Size Defect Repair in Rabbit Mandible by Electrospun Gelatin/-TCP Composite Nanofibrous Membranes

Journal of Nanomaterials 2015

129、 Tingting Ai ,Li Li* , Jiuxiang Lin* et al. (作者:艾婷婷、LiLi*、林久祥*)(IF:1.579)

Magnetic Bead-Based Serum Peptidome Profiling in Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

BioMed Research International 2015

130、 Hu Chen , Yuchun Sun* et al. (作者:陈虎、孙玉春*)(IF:1.579)

Quantitative Evaluation of Tissue Surface Adaption of CAD-Designed and 3D Printed Wax Pattern of Maxillary Complete Denture

BioMed Research International 2015

131、Xiao-jing Liu , Guang-Yan Yu* et al. (作者:刘筱菁、俞光岩*)(IF:1.565)

The timing of acid-induced increase in saliva secretion in transplanted submandibular glands

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015

132、Yu-Xing Guo , Chuan-Bin Guo* et al. (作者:郭玉兴、郭传瑸*)(IF:1.565)

Surgical safety distances in the infratemporal fossa: three-dimensional measurement study

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015

133、Y. He, Y. Zhang* et al. (作者:贺洋、张益*)(IF:1.565)

Treatment of traumatic dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the cranial fossa: development of a probable treatment algorithm

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015

134、S. Ren , L. Ma* et al. (作者:任抒欣、马莲*)(IF:1.565)

Bony defect of palate and vomer in submucous cleft palate patients

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015; 44: 63–66

135、W. B. Zhang , X. Peng* et al. (作者:章文博、彭歆*)(IF:1.565)

Cervical metastasis of maxillary squamous cell carcinoma

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015; 44: 285–291

136、Yue Li , Dong Han , Hao Zhang , Hailan Feng* et al. (作者:李玥、韩冬、张豪、冯海兰*)(IF:1.488)

Morphological analyses and a novel de novo DLX3 mutation associated with tricho-dento-osseous syndrome in a Chinese family

European journal of oral sciences 2015; 123: 228–234

137、ShiYao Liu , TianMin Xu* et al. (作者:刘施瑶、许天民*)(IF:1.488)

Effects of rapid maxillary expansion on the midpalatal suture: a systematic review

European journal of oral sciences 2015; 651–655

138、Qing Li , Gang Zhou , Zhihui Tang* et al. (作者:李箐、Gang Zhou、唐志辉*)(IF:1.427)

Porous deproteinized bovine bone scaffold with three-dimensional localized drug delivery system using chitosan microspheres

Biomedical engineering online 2015; 14:33

139、Xiao-Feng Shan , Hui-Min Chen , Zhi-Gang Cai* et al. (作者:单小峰、陈慧敏、蔡志刚*)(IF:1.425)

Surgical Reconstruction of Maxillary and Mandibular Defects Using a Printed Titanium Mesh

Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015

140、Wei He , Zili Li* et al. (作者:何伟、李自力*)(IF:1.425)

Novel Arch Bar Fabricated With a Computer-Aided Design and Three-Dimensional Printing: A Feasibility Study

Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015 1-7

141、Kaiyue Tian , Zili Li* et al. (作者:田凯月、李自力*)(IF:1.425)

Recording and Transferring Head Positions to the Virtual Head Using a Multicamera System and Laser Level

Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015 73:2039.e1-2039.e13

142、Xudong Yang , Xudong Yang* et al. (作者:杨旭东、杨旭东*)(IF:1.425)

Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Preventing Agitation and Delirium After Microvascular Free Flap Surgery: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Control Study

Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015 73:1065-1072

143、Wen-Bo Zhang , Xin Peng* et al. (作者:章文博、彭歆*)(IF:1.425)

Outcomes of Orbital Floor Reconstruction After Extensive Maxillectomy Using the Computer-Assisted Fabricated Individual Titanium Mesh Technique

Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015 1.e1-1.e15, 2015

144、Tian Cao , Yanheng Zhoud* et al. (作者:曹甜、周彦恒*)(IF:1.382)

Combined orthodontic-periodontal treatment in periodontal patients with anteriorly displaced incisors

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015 148:805-13

145、Weitao Liu , Yanheng Zhoud* et al. (作者:刘伟涛、周彦恒*)(IF:1.382)

Effect of maxillary protraction with alternating rapid palatal expansion and constriction vs expansion alone in maxillary retrusive patients: a single-center, randomized controlled trial

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015 148:641-51

146、Xiao-jing Liu , Zi-li Li* et al. (作者:刘筱菁、李自力*)(IF:1.382)

Modified method of recording and reproducing natural head position with a multicamera system and a laser level

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015 147:781-7

147、Xiangru Shi , Shuguo Zheng* et al. (作者:施相如、郑树国*)(IF:1.382)

Evaluation of root and alveolar bone development of unilateral osseous impacted immature maxillary central incisors after the closed-eruption technique

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015 148:587-98

148、Kaiyue Tian , Zili Li* et al. (作者:田凯月、李自力*)(IF:1.382)

Reproducibility of natural head position in normal Chinese people

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015 148:503-10

150、W. Zou , J-H Jiang* et al. (作者:邹薇、江久汇*)(IF:1.382)

Relationship between mandibular dental and basal bone arch forms for severe skeletal Class III patients

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015

151、L-J Dong , Lian Ma* et al. (作者:董丽佳、马莲*)(IF:1.277)

GFA Taq I polymorphism and cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) risk

International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 2015

152、Jie Cao ,Wen-Jie Hu* et al. (作者:曹洁、胡文杰*)(IF:1.261)

A novel technique for measurement of dentogingival tissue by cone beam computed tomography

Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 2015 Vol. 119 No. 2 February

153、L. S. Sun , Z. P. Sun* et al. (作者:孙丽莎、孙志鹏*)(IF:1.261)

Multiple complex odontoma of the maxilla and the mandible

Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 2015

154、Yan-Ling Zhang , Wen-Jie Hu* et al. (作者:张艳玲、胡文杰*)(IF:1.259)

Assessment of dynamic smile and gingival contour in young Chinese people

International dental journal 2015

155、Tianzhu Li , Lian Ma* et al. (作者:李天竹、马莲*)(IF:1.2422)

The Validation and Reliability of the Chinese Version of the Speech Handicap Index for Patients With Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer

International dental journal 2015

156、JiaQi Wu , Jiu-Hui Jiang , Jiu-Hui Jiang* et al. (作者:吴佳琪、江久汇、江久汇*)(IF:1.225)

A pilot clinical study of Class Ⅲ surgical patients facilitated by improved accelerated osteogenic orthodoutic treaments

Angle orthodontist 2015 85:616–624

157、Yi-Ping Huang , Wei-ran Li * (作者:黄一平、李巍然*)(IF:1.225)

Correlation between objective and subjective evaluation of profile in bimaxillary protrusion patients after orthodontic treatment

The angle orthodontist 2015 85:690–698.

158、Xiaoxuan Wang , Qingxian Luan* et al. (作者:王啸轩、 栾庆先*)(IF:1.209)

Association of mitochondrial DNA displacement loop polymorphisms and aggressive periodontitis in a Chinese population: a pilot study

Mitochondrial dna 2015 26:3, 389-395

159、Pan Wei , Hong Hu* et al. (作者:魏攀、华红*)(IF:1.171)

Role of Salivary Anti-SSA/B Antibodies for Diagnosing Primary Sj?gren's Syndrome

Medicina oral patologia oral y cirugia bucal 2015 Mar 1;20 (2):e156-60.

160、Binbin Li , Binbin Li* et al. (作者:李斌斌、李斌斌*)(IF:1.117)

A case-cohort study of recurrent salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma after iodine 125 brachytherapy and resection treatment

Annals of diagnostic pathology 2015

161、Yuan Chai , Hong Lin* et al. (作者:柴媛、林红*)(IF:1.091)

Evaluation of the micro-shear bond strength of four adhesive systems to dentin with and without adhesive area limitation

Bio-medical materials and engineering 2015 26 S63–S72

162、Yuan Li , Hong Lin* et al. (作者:李媛、林红*)(IF:1.091)

A comparison study on the flexural strength and compressive strength of four resin-modified luting glass ionomer cements

Bio-medical materials and engineering 2015 26 S9–S17

163、Jiabao Ren , Gang Zheng* et al. (作者:任嘉宝、郑刚*)(IF:1.091)

Color difference threshold determination for acrylic denture base resins

Bio-medical materials and engineering 2015 26 S9–S17

164、J. Zhang , J.-g.Zhang* et al. (作者:张杰、张建国*)(IF:1.076)

Brachytherapy for recurrent malignant tumours of the parotid gland

British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery 2015 26 S9–S17

165、Rui-Yun Bi , Yun Ding ,Ye-Hua Gan* et al. (作者:毕瑞芸、丁云、甘业华*)(IF:1.074)

A new hypothesis of sex-differences in temporomandibular disorders: estrogen enhances hyperalgesia of inflamed TMJ through modulating voltage-gated sodium channel 1.7 in trigeminal ganglion?

Medical hypotheses 2015 84 100–103

166、Zhi Huang , Xin-zhi Wang* et al. (作者:黄知、王新知*)(IF:1.071)

Novel Method of Fabricating Individual Trays for Maxillectomy Patients by Computer-Aided Design and Rapid Prototyping

Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry 2015 24 115–120

167、Chen Gui , Xu Tian Min* et al. (作者:陈贵、许天民*)(IF:1.061)

A new method to evaluate the positional stability of a self-drilling miniscrew

Orthodontics & craniofacial research 2015

168、Dong Shi , Huan-Xin Meng* et al. (作者:释栋、孟焕新*)(IF:1.053)

Association between Plasma Leptin Level and Systemic Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Aggressive Periodontitis

Chinese medical journal 2015 November 20

169、Huaiguang Chang , Hailan Feng* et al. (作者:常怀广、冯海兰*)(IF:1.03)

Restorative treatment strategies for patients with cleidocranial dysplasia

Acta odontologica scandinavica 2015 73:6, 447-453

170、Hao Liu , Binbin Li* et al. (作者:刘浩、李斌斌*)(IF:1.016)

Relative Skeletal Effects in Different Sites of the Mandible With the Proximal Tibia During Ovariectomy and the Subsequent Estrogen Treatment

Journal of oral implantology 2015

171、Qian CHEN , Qing CAI , Xin-Zhi WANG* et al. (作者:陈倩、Qing CAI、王新知*)(IF:0.968)

Effect on the bond strengths of glass fiber posts functionalized with polydopamine after etching with hydrogen peroxide

Dental Materials Journal 2015 34(6): 740–745

172、Tian Meng , Lian Ma* et al. (作者:孟甜、马莲*)(IF:0.956)

Comparative Assessment of the Cleft Profile by Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate, Cleft Surgeons, and Lay People

Aesthetic plastic surgery 2015 39:757–763

173、Yifen LI , Xiaoqian FANG, Ting JIANG* (作者:李宜芬、方晓潜、姜婷*)(IF:0.923)

Minimally traumatic alveolar ridge augmentation with a tunnel injectable thermo-sensitive alginate scaffold

Journal of applied oral science 2015

174、Xiaoqiang Liu , Jianguo Tan* et al. (作者:刘晓强、谭建国*)(IF:0.922)

UVA-activated riboflavin improves the strength of human dentin

Journal of oral science 2015 Vol. 57, No. 3, 229-234.

175、Qing Luo , Yan-Heng Zhou* , Qi-Guo Rong* et al. (作者:罗青、周彦恒*、荣起国*)(IF:0.887)

The effect of low fluoride concentrations on microdamage accumulation in mouse tibias under impact loading

Acta Mechanica Sinica 2015 31(6):944–951

176、FENGJUAN CUI , XIAOQIANG LIU , JIANFENG ZHOU* et al. (作者:崔凤娟、刘晓强、周建锋*)(IF:0.85)

Application of ethanol improves the resin-dentin bond strength of a two-bottle, self-etching primer-adhesive

American journal of dentistry 2015 Volume 28, No. 4, August, p. 181-244

177、Rui Guo , Chuan Bin Guo* et al. (作者:郭睿、郭传瑸*)(IF:0.678)

Application of a computer-aided navigation technique in surgery for recurrent malignant infratemporal fossa tumors

Journal of craniofacial surgery 2015 Volume 26, Number 2

178、Wei He , Zili Li* et al. (作者:何伟、 李自力*)(IF:0.678)

Individualized Surgical Templates and Titanium Microplates for Le Fort I Osteotomy by Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing

Journal of craniofacial surgery 2015 26: 1877–1881

179、Xiao-Feng Shan , Ru-Huang Li , Zhi-Gang Cai* et al. (作者:单小峰、Ru-Huang Li、蔡志刚*)(IF:0.678)

Fibular Free Flap Reconstruction for the Management of Advanced Bilateral Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis

Journal of craniofacial surgery 2015 Volume 26, Number 2

180、Bo Lin , Zhi-Gang Cai* et al. (作者:林博、蔡志刚*)(IF:0.678)

Preoperative Percutaneous Nerve Mapping of the Mandibular Marginal Branch of the Facial Nerve

Journal of craniofacial surgery 2015 26: 411–414

181、Jingwen Yang , Ting Jiang* et al. (作者:杨静文、姜婷*)(IF:0.678)

Graded Porous beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds Enhance Bone Regeneration in Mandible Augmentation

Journal of craniofacial surgery 2015 Volume 26, Number 2

182、JiaQi Wu , JiuHui Jiang* et al. (作者:吴佳琪、江久汇*)(IF:0.434)

ClassⅢ orthognathic surgical cases facilitated by accelerated ostegenic orthodontics:a preliminary report

Australian Orthodontic Journal 2015 31: 226-235