


Introduction of WHOCC CHN-26


Peking University Institute, School and Hospital of Stomatology (PKU-SS) was appointed as the World Health Organization Research and Training Collaborating Center for Preventive Dentistry since 1981 (WHOCC CHN-26), which operation office is situated in the Department of the Preventive Dentistry. Prof. Zheng Linfan, Prof. Zhang Zhenkang, and Prof. Zhang Boxue had successively taken the responsibility of director, handing on to the current director, Prof. Xu Tao, and the co-director, Prof. Zheng Shuguo.  

Scope of WHOCC CHN-26

1. To cooperate with the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarter, Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control of the National Health Commission of China, China Oral Health Foundation and Chinese Stomatological Association, in order to focus on National Programme Development of oral health promotion for the whole Chinese population.

2. To act as a WHO Collaborating Centre, working with the parties mentioned above for research and training in the fields such as dental public health, preventive dentistry and oral health technologies in China.

3. As the focal point for research in the priority areas of oral health in China, to synthesize and disseminate oral health related scientific and technical information, to facilitate the national health development and/or in the implementation of oral health programme, and to share knowledge and experiences with the WHO headquarter and other collaborating centers with a view of cooperation.

4. To collaborate with other dental institutions/institutes/demonstration centers in the Asia-Pacific Region in identifying and evaluating the effectiveness of preventive programmes and measures on preventing and controlling oral diseases.

National and International Events, Conferences and Trainings

WHOCC CHN-26 has held a series of national and international events, conferences and trainings. Since 1981, to comply with dental workforce developing strategies (labelled as WHA 60.17), the center conducted Human Resource Training for Dental Public Health workers annually to impart up-to-date concepts in this field to the trainees. In recent years, high priority was given to the courses for national policy and strategy planning on oral health, as well as prevention and control measures for oral diseases in community settings. International renowned experts were invited to present and discuss the frontier knowledge and techniques of dental public health with domestic professionals and researchers in preventive dentistry, and local government officers. These trainings draw great attention of the China government to emphasize the significance of oral health in the policy design for comprehensive health care, and increased the prevention consciousness of all the oral health personnel in the country.

Social responsibilities

WHOCC CHN-26 also undertook great social responsibilities. The center contributed greatly to the formulation and planning for the national oral health standards, provided consultancy for national oral health policies, and involved in development, management and effectiveness evaluation of the national projects for oral disease prevention. The China Oral Health Foundation was also established on the basis of WHOCC CHN-26.  

Research Achievements and Interests

With the assistance of WHOCC CHN-26, a number of outstanding research was carried out and high-level academic achievements were delivered at national, ministerial and provincial levels, with a strong influence on the prevention and control for oral diseases in China.

- National oral health surveys. The center had led the first to third national surveys, and participated and provided significant guidance for the fourth national survey in key procedures such as project application, design, implementation, management, evaluation and drafting of the final summary report.

- Oral health related policy making to shape national oral health prevention strategies. The center provided technical support to the government policy making, including consultation, evidence collection and drafting of policy documents. With the great efforts made by WHOCC CHN-26, oral health related policies has been successfully integrated into the national disease prevention and control policies in China, such as "Healthy China 2030", "the 13th Five-Year National Health Plan", "the Mid and Long Term Work Plan of Chronic Disease Prevention in China 2017-2025", and "the National Oral Health Action Plan 2019-2025", etc.

- Dental public health policy related research, in the fields of prevention and control of oral diseases, national planning for oral health workforce, oral health inequalities, oral health economics, and oral disease burdens.

- Research on comprehensive prevention and control projects of oral diseases. With the center's promotion and intensive technical support, the only national oral health project funded by the central government, namely the Comprehensive Intervention Program for Oral Diseases in Chinese children, initiated from 2008 and had been running well till now. Other research fields included community oral health care, management of dental caries in high-risk population, clinical trials in preventive dental cares, detection of biomarkers for oral diseases and its association with systemic diseases, sequential treatment for dental trauma and occlusive guidance in children, pathogenesis and comprehensive management of oral and dental dysplasia, etc.


Since first established in 1981, WHOCC CHN-26 based in PKU-SS continues to be the leading institution of dental public health in China. Great efforts have been made to set up and strengthen the public oral health care system in China via policy formulation, public dissemination, professional training, research development, international collaboration and knowledge exchange, which bring benefits to billions of Chinese population and work towards the WHO Millennium Development Goals.

WHOCC CHN-26 in PKU-SS will continue to work in collaboration with the WHO headquarter, Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control of the National Health Commission of China, China Oral Health Foundation and Chinese Stomatological Association, to lead the development in preventive dentistry in China and work towards WHO's goals to reduce oral disease burden, control risk factors for oral diseases, develop oral health systems, promote oral health equality, integrate oral health into health promotion programs from national to community levels, and promote oral health as an effective policy dimension of social development.
